If you’ve got any questions regarding this small piece of code, feel free to contact me!
1. BluetoothDeviceListener.java
package de.ifgi.ss2007.dwilmsmann.RIDE; import javax.bluetooth.*; public class BluetoothDeviceListener implements DiscoveryListener { public void deviceDiscovered(RemoteDevice remoteDevice, DeviceClass deviceClass) { System.out.println(remoteDevice.getBluetoothAddress()); } public void inquiryCompleted(int complete) { } public void servicesDiscovered(int transId, ServiceRecord[] records) { } public void serviceSearchCompleted(int transId, int complete) { } }
2. BluetoothScanner.java
package de.ifgi.ss2007.dwilmsmann.RIDE; public class BluetoothScanner { private static LocalDevice localDevice = null; private static DiscoveryAgent agent = null; public void scanForDevices() { try { localDevice = LocalDevice.getLocalDevice(); agent = localDevice.getDiscoveryAgent(); agent.startInquiry(DiscoveryAgent.GIAC, new BluetoothDeviceListener()); } catch (BluetoothStateException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public static void main(String[] args) { BluetoothScanner bs = new BluetoothScanner(); bs.scanForDevices(); } }
3. Sources & sample application.
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